Saturday, January 20, 2007

Scientology Today: New Program Launched by Foundation for a Drug Free World in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

Scientology Today: New Program Launched by Foundation for a Drug Free World in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

"According to the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a program created in 1998 by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, two-thirds of teens say that losing their parents' respect and pride is one of the main reasons they don't smoke marijuana or use other drugs.

Yet many parents remain silent, even when speaking up about drugs can help their children so much, simply because they don't know how to broach this sensitive subject with them..."

"'...We are providing this new parents' education program because children really need their help," said Lidia Dinges, spokesperson for the Foundation. "By each parent taking responsibility to talk to their children about drugs we can save millions of lives."'

This is the subject being taken up by the Foundation for a Drug Free World, a foundation headquartered in Los Angeles, California, forwarding the campaign "No To Drugs, Yes To Life."