Thursday, August 10, 2006

Answers and Solutions

At the Church of Scientology of Seattle, and in fact all Churches of Scientology, you can find solutions or answers to things that you have been wondering about for a long time. This includes such things as:

1. Solutions to Drugs

2. Solutions to marital problems

3. Solutions to learning disabilities

4. Solutions to crime, immorality and dishonesty

5. Assists for injuries or illnesses

6. Explanations for things such as irrational behavior or thoughts that you just don't know where it's coming from

7. Understanding and Predicting People

8. Communication

9. Children

10. And much, much more

All it takes is one click of the button to find out the answers to questions that you have been asking yourself for a long time. There are also ways that you can help others. Check it out, find out for yourself.

Church of Scientology of Seattle

There is a new Church of Scientology opening up in Washington State in the city of Seattle!

Currently there is an organization there which is located on Aurora Ave, which is delivering Scientology services. There is, however, a larger organization being renovated and set up for this organization. This is located near the Key Arena Center. The building overlooks the Puget Sound.

Right now the Church is scheduled to open at the beginning of 2007. This will be a similar opening to other Churches of Scientology, such as the Buffalo Organization Grand Opening, the New York Organization Grand Opening, the Madrid Organization Grand Opening, the San Francisco Grand Opening and the Johannesburg South Africa Grand Opening. At each of these Grand Openings, there were very key local speakers who spoke of the importance of having the Church there and what it means to that community and area. One of the keynote speakers was Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, where he brought home the purpose of our organizations and what they are going to do in order to bring Dianetics and Scientology technology to that area.

You can find out more about Dianetics or Scientology at the current Church of Scientology of Seattle and when the new Church opens up, feel free to come and bring all of your friends.