Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What I Think of Psychiatrists...

Psychiatrists are acutally murderers. They violate a person's human rights to freedom of choice, no torture, and many, many more. Psychiatrists will involuntarily commit someone to an institution because they are "hyperactive" or "depressed", then they will subject the person to complete and utter torture. Another thing that they do is drug people for some "disorder" that they have, which are not actually scientifically proven. An organization that works tirelessly in revealing these atrocities that psychiatrists label as "medical" and bring them to justice, is CCHR. Also another publication that covers this is the Freedom Magazine, published by the Church of Scientology International.

One of the reasons that I bring this up is because Kurt Cobain was actually misdiagnosed as "hyperactive" as a child and prescribed Ritalin, which is like cocaine for kids. Because of the abdominal pain that it caused, he started taking Heroin to "quench" the pain. Then he killed himself with a gunshot to the head. How could such an incredible artist, very creative as a child, basically be murdered? It started with the prescription of Ritalin which is prescribed to young children daily, then handed out at schools like it is the lunch line or something.

There are Human Rights violations like this going on daily in our society. Human Rights activists such as David Miscavige, Kofi Annan, L. Ron Hubbard, along with many others, work to make these Human Rights a reality.

If you want to find out more about these kinds of things, there are some Scientology Churches that you can check out and get answers: San Francisco, Johannesburg, Madrid, New York, and Buffalo. There are many other churches too; click here to locate the one near you.

You can comment on this too. I want to know what you think about this.

How About Kurt Cobain?

Here's some other stuff about Seattle:

Someone that many people know as a legend from Seattle, Kurt Cobain. He was an incredible artist and I loved listening to his music. One thing that many people might not know is that he was prescribed Ritalin when he was a kid; then he got addicted to Heroin, and I think that most people know the story from there. The full data on that is in one booklet that the Church of Scientology produced called "Kiddie Cocaine". It's pretty outragous that such a creative artist could die that way. It's sad.

In fact, drugs plague our society today, all the way from your 7-year-old sniffing poisonous inhalents, to teenagers taking Ecstasy like candy every Friday night, or even some high corporate executive sniffing cocaine regularly "to relieve stress" or something. It's everywhere! click here to view all of the booklets which give the truth about drugs and what they are really doing to our society. Another publication which talks about children being drugged by psychiatrists under the guise of "Child Protection Services" is the magazine called Freedom.

There is a solution to this... click here.