Saturday, August 12, 2006

More Data On Scientology In Seattle

So now that you have been introduced to the Church of Scientology of Seattle by me, you can check it out on your own determinism. That's how I found out about Scientology, on my own determinism. Before that, I did not know what it was and was only wondering about it. This is the Church that I found out about it at. I did a service which explained the Scientology basics to me so that I could grasp the concept, and from there I was able to understand more and more.

The Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, discovered the truth of Man and the solutions to the problems that plague the society today.

One of the things that I have found that Scientologists have a passion in getting out broadly is the fact that all people this planet have Human Rights. Some people are not aware of this fact and they get violated all the time. I once knew a person who was not allowed to go to school and get an education; she was missing from class all the time, and it wasn't because she didn't want to be there. But everyone has the right to an education. There is an office in Brussels that is specifically dedicated to making these Human Rights known, in addition to people spreading the word internationally.

Another thing that the Scientologists, and non-Scientologists alike, are working tirelessly to promote is the international drug campaign to rid society of the drug use that is so commonplace that your 10-year-old kid might have a joint right in his pocket, or your 16-year-old may be partying with Ecstasy every Friday night, all the way to your own boss sniffing cocaine every morning before work, and it goes on. But there is a solution.