Sunday, October 01, 2006

Drugs education reaches Taiwan

This is pretty incredible, drug education programs now making their way through Taiwan.

The No To Drugs, Yes To Life campaign is most embracive campaign released on drug education to date. This campaign, provided by the Church of Scientology International is making effects world. Check out this campaign and do whatever you can to bring it your area.

Everyone is working for a drug free world

More news on the fight against drugs throughout the world, this time with a shot from the Drug-Free Marshals, a youth's organization formed by the Church of Scientology International in Los Angeles to battle drug use and prevent the use of drug by youth by getting youth to educate and enforce the ethics of others before it started.

This is a key activity in view of the fact millions of youth between the ages of 10 and 14 experiment with drugs every year. With programs like the Drug-Free Marshals this can be handled, check out No To Drugs, Yes To Life and see what you can do to help and make a drug-free world.